Ellen Freeberg
Associate Dean, Faculty and Curriculum
Office Location
D - 6 East 16th Street
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Degrees Held
B.A. Vassar College
M.A. and Ph.D., Johns Hopkins University, Political Science
Recent Publications
Article (in process). “Contrasting Intellectual Legacies: Reflections on Hannah Arendt and Frieda Wunderlich”
Invited contributor with co-authors. Special issue of "Berliner Journal für Soziologie“ https://www.springer.com/journal/11609/aims-and-scope) on Berlin as an early metropolis for transnational social research with attention to women sociologists (for publication 2022)
Co-author, featured article. "Intellectual Foremothers" for online journal Public Seminar, April 2018 https://publicseminar.org/2018/04/intellectual-foremothers/
Co-author, journal article. "Frieda Wunderlich: Gender, Knowledge and Exile,” Social Research, Vol. 84, No. 4, Winter 2017-18 https://muse.jhu.edu/article/687045
Review Article. E. Kittay, E. Feder (eds.), The Subject of Care, in Contemporary Political Theory, 2004
Book Chapter. "Translating a Liberal Feminism: Rethinking Susan Okin's Critique of Culture and the Case for Universal Women's Rights," in Reconstructing Human Rights in an Age of Globalization, ed., Andrew Nathan et. al., M.E. Sharpe, 2003. Developed from July 1999 Columbia University NEH Seminar, “Cultural Difference and Values," with Professor Andrew Nathan, Political Science, Columbia University.
Book Chapter/Article. "Kant," in The Many Faces of Wisdom: Great Philosophers' Visions of Philosophy, ed., Philip Washburn, Prentice Hall, 2002
Book (reviewed in Perspectives on Politics and Ethics). Regarding Equality: Rethinking Contemporary Theories of Citizenship, Freedom, and the Limits of Moral Pluralism, Lexington Books, 2002
Review. Drucilla Cornell, At the Heart of Freedom, in New Political Science, vol XXI, no. 2, 2000
Performances and Appearances
Panel Moderator and Faculty Advisor for Memory Studies Group and 2021 Memory Studies Conference sponsored by Transregional Center for Democratic Studies, The New School, April 2021
Roundtable coordinator/presenter. “Female/Feminist Legacies at The New School,” GSS Institute Symposium, The New School, February 18, 2021
Public lecture. “Recovering Lives and Reshaping Intellectual Histories” for The New School Memory Studies Group and Transregional Center for Democratic Studies, November 12, 2020. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9MtXgUClh9o
Contributor. Multipart video series for public programming on The Women’s Legacy Project at The New School, celebrating historical accomplishments of female founders, faculty and alum. Launched 2019-2020.
Presenter. “Translating Social Insurance from Weimar to the US: Reflections on Frieda Wunderlich” for panel on Refugee Economists at the New School for Social Research for the History of Economics Society, Columbia University. Summer 2019
Paper Presentation. “Who Cares and Who Counts? Justice, and Dependency Work,” National American Political Science Association, Washington, D.C. Fall 2005
Research Interests
American Politics, Political Theory, Public Law, Feminist Theory, Women's Intellectual History