• Faculty

  • Pascal Glissmann

    Associate Professor of Communication Design


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    L - 2 West 13th Street

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    Pascal Glissmann


    Pascal Glissmann is a designer, media artist, and educator based in New York. His research-driven practice explores the merging of the natural, the artificial, and the speculative. Since 2001, he has held academic positions alongside his creative practice in Cologne, Hong Kong, Beirut, and New York. This journey through diverse urban habitats with eclectic everyday artifacts activated research interests that span across cultures and beyond disciplinary boundaries. Collaborative internationally recognized projects include OBJECT AMERICA (with Selena Kimball), The Phaistos Project — Forty-five Symbols (with Andreas Henrich and Olivier Arcioli), and electronic life forms (with Martina Hoefflin).  

    Glissmann received an MFA from the Academy of Media Arts Cologne and a BFA in Communication Design from the University of Applied Sciences Duesseldorf. His work has been exhibited in group shows at various international venues including Ars Electronica, Miró Foundation Mallorca, Kiasma Helsinki, Palazzo delle Arti Napoli, and the New Media Art Festival Japan. He is co-founder and co-director, with Selena Kimball, of the Observational Practices Lab at Parsons School of Design, the New School University, where he is currently Assistant Professor of Communication Design and director of the AAS Communication Design program.  

    Degrees Held

    MFA Media Arts, Audio-visual Media, Academy of Media Arts, Germany, Cologne

    BFA Communication Design, University of Applied Sciences, Germany, Düsseldorf

    Professional Affiliation

    Assistant Professor of Communication Design, Parsons School of Design  

    Visiting Assistant Professor of Communication Design School of Architecture & Design, Lebanese-American University, Beirut  

    Assistant Professor of Media Design Academy of Visual Arts, Hong Kong Baptist University  

    Researcher and Lecturer  (Künstlerisch-Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter) Academy of Media Arts Cologne

    Research Interests

    Visual language, Design Research, Observational Practices, Interdisciplinary Collaboration




    Observational Practices Lab

    The Phaistos Project — Forty-five Symbols

    electronic life forms

    Current Courses

    Archive as Method
    UTNS 5143, Fall 2024

    Core 3: Capstone
    PACD 2100, Fall 2024

    The Visual Archive
    PSAM 1130, Fall 2024

    Future Courses

    The Visual Archive
    PSAM 1130, Spring 2025

    Past Courses

    Core 3: Capstone
    PACD 2100, Spring 2024

    The Visual Archive
    PSAM 1130, Spring 2024

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