Unreported grades convert to a GM one week after the course end date as published in the academic calendar.
A grade of I will be assigned only if a student has filed a request for an incomplete with the instructor and the instructor approves the grade. Unless the instructor submits a regular letter grade within the period of time required by the student's academic program, a grade of I or GM will automatically convert to F or N, as described below.
For undergraduate students, grades of I and GM convert to F at the end of the seventh week of the spring semester for fall courses and at the end of the seventh week of the following fall semester for spring and summer courses.
For graduate students, grades of I and GM for graduate students convert to N one year after the end date of the course. PhD students at The New School for Social Research should consult their school's catalog for additional policy information about grades of Incomplete. Graduate students who are permitted to retake a class to make up a grade of Incomplete must register for the course and pay tuition as an auditor.
Pass/Fail Option for Undergraduate Students:
- Students may not elect a Pass/Fail option for core requirements or courses necessary to satisfy major and/or minor requirements, except in the case of the first course completed toward a major if taken before that major is declared.
- Through the seventh week of a semester, a student may elect up to one course per semester to be graded Pass/Fail, based on receiving a grade of D or higher to Pass. No changes may be made to grade modes past the seventh week of the semester.
- This policy excludes courses in which Pass/Fail is the only grade option available, such as internships.
- The instructor will not be informed when a student has chosen this option and will assign a conventional letter grade, which will then be converted by the Registrar's Office to Pass/Fail as appropriate.
- Students may only elect to complete a maximum of 12 credits for Pass/Fail. Individual programs may set a maximum different from the 12 credits because of curricular requirements. An advisor must approve a petition for a Pass/Fail grade.