Koray Caliskan is an economic sociologist and organizational designer. He is a tenured Associate Professor of Strategic Design and Management at Parsons School of Design, Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Design Strategies, and Associate Editor of the Journal of Cultural Economy. He designed the strategy for MaMame, a social innovation project that combines cooperative and LLC structures to support underrepresented women's labor; this initiative received the Entrepreneurship of the Year Award from Microsoft in 2017. Caliskan has directed and produced several award-winning fiction and documentary films, including Esma, which was shown at the Cannes Film Festival. He co-founded The Wrong Department, a strategic design studio with offices in London and New York City. His recent research on cryptocurrencies earned the Scientific Breakthrough of the Year Award in Social Sciences from the Falling Walls Foundation in 2021 and was mentioned in Financial Times as a way to understand the US and its economy. This work culminated in the book “Data Money: Inside Cryptocurrencies and Their Communities, Blockchains, and Markets” published by Columbia University Press in September 2023. Currently, with support from an ESRC (UK) grant, he is researching the economic sociology of online advertisements. In 2025, he is set to publish two co-authored books: "Economization: Markets, Platforms, and Ecologies" with Michel Callon and Donald MacKenzie (Columbia University Press), and "Inside Digital Advertising: Platform Power, Data Icebergs, and Material Politics" with Donald MacKenzie (Polity Press).
Degrees Held
BA. 1995. Political Science, Bogazici University, Istanbul.
MA. 1999. Politics, NYU, New York.
Certificate. 2001. Commodity Options and Futures Trading, Rhodes College, Memphis.
Ph.D. 2005. Politics, NYU, New York
Professional Affiliation
American Sociological Association, ASA
Design Research Society
Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics, SASE
Association for Social Economics, ASE
Middle Eastern Studies Association, MESA
American Anthropological Association, AAA
European Group for Organization Studies, EGOS
Recent Publications
Forthcoming in 2025 (with Michel Callon and Donald MacKenzie) Economization: Economies, Markets, Platforms, and Ecologies New York: Columbia University Press.
Forthcoming in 2025 (with Donald MacKenzie) Inside Digital Advertising: Platform Power, Data Icebergs, and Material Politics. Polity Press.
2023 Data Money: Inside Cryptocurrencies and their Markets, Communities and Blockchains, New York: Columbia University Press.
2011 Market Threads: How Farmers and Traders Create a Global Commodity, Princeton: Princeton University Press.
Peer-Reviewed and Indexed Academic Articles: (Last 4 years only)
(Forthcoming). The Modes and Types of Performativity: A Meta-Theoretical Review (with Sevde N. Unal, Simone Polillo, and Donald MacKenzie). Finance and Society.
(Forthcoming) (with Michel Callon and Donald MacKenzie). Stacked Economization: A Research Programme for the Study of Platforms. Journal of Cultural Economy.
(Forthcoming) (with Michel Callon and Donald MacKenzie). Ecologization, Part 1: From Assetization to Asset-actifs and Care Economization. Economy and Society.
(Forthcoming) (with Michel Callon and Donald MacKenzie). Ecologization, Part 2: Practices, Strategies and Devices for Managing Asset-Actifs. Economy and Society
2024. (with Addie McGowan and Donald MacKenzie) Intermediaries, Mediators and Digital Advertising’s Tensions. Journal of Cultural Economy, 15 July.
2023. (with Charlotte Rommerskirchen and Donald MacKenzie). Strange Bedfellows: Consumer Protection and competition policy in the making of the EU privacy Regime. Journal of Common Market Studies.
2023. (with Donald MacKenzie and Charlotte Rommerskirchen) Header Bidding: ‘Systems’, ‘Gatherings’ and the Material Politics of Market Structure in Online Advertising, Economy and Society.
2022. (with Matt Wade) DARN Part 1: What is Strategic Design? Social Theory and Intangible Design in Perspective, She Ji: The Journal of Design, Economics, and Innovation. Vol. 8, Iss. 3, Autumn 2022, pp. 299-318.
2022. (with Matt Wade) DARN Part 2: An Evidence-Based Research and Prototyping Methodology for Strategic Design, She Ji: The Journal of Design, Economics, and Innovation, Vol. 8, Iss. 3, Autumn 2022, pp. 319-335.
2022. (with Peter Karnoe and Julia Kirkegaard) Introducing the Lens of Markets-in-the-Making to Transition Studies: The Case of the Danish Wind Power Market Agencement. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions, Vol. 44.
2022. (with Michael Lounsbury) Entrepreneurialism as Discourse: Towards a Critical Research Agenda, Research in Sociology of Organizations, Vol. 72. Volume 81, pp. 43–53. doi:10.1108/S0733-558X20220000081003
2022. The Elephant in the Dark: A New Framework for Cryptocurrency Taxation and Exchange Platform Regulation in the US. Journal of Risk Financial Management. Vol. 15, Iss. 3, pp. 1-18,
2022. The Rise and Fall of Electra: A Cryptocurrency Community in Perspective, Review of Social Economy, Vol 79, Iss. 4, 1-25,
2021. Data Money Makers: An Ethnographic Analysis of a Global Cryptocurrency Community, The British Journal of Sociology, Vol 73, 168-187.
2021. Platform Works as Stack Economization: Cryptocurrency Markets and Exchanges in Perspective, Sociologica: International Journal for Sociological Debate, Vol. 14, Iss. 3, pp. 115-42.
2020. Polanyi, Callon, and Amazon: Institutionalist, ANT, and DRAN Approaches to Platform Economies. Sociologica: International Journal for Sociological Debate, Vol. 14, Iss. 3, pp. 195-204.
Data Money: The Socio-Technical Infrastructure of Cryptocurrency Blockchains, Economy and Society, Vol. 49, No. 4, pp. 1–22.
2024. Good Interventions: An Economic and Strategic Design Exhibition’24, Parsons School of Design, The New School.
2023. Good Interventions: An Economic and Strategic Design Exhibition'23, Parsons School of Design, The New School.
2022. Good Interventions: An Economic and Strategic Design Exhibition'22, Parsons School of Design, The New School.
Data Sets
2021 (with Enis Simsar) Twitter Interaction Data of Electra Cryptocurrency Community's Twitter Handle Followers and A Code for Follower Interaction Analysis. GitHub Repository
2020 (with Ilker Birbil). Terms of Service Agreements of 251 Cryptocurrency Exchanges Representing 99.99% of Centralized Data Money Transactions. GitHub Repository
2020 (with Ilker Birbil). The White Papers of Most Valuable 100 Cryptocurrencies. GitHub Repository
Performances and Appearances
How to make and destroy a cryptocurrency?
Economies are Designed, so they be redesigned:
Coindesk TV Interview on 'Witnessing a New Money Material.'
Research Interests
Online Advertisement
Intangible Design Methods
Organizational Design
Platform Economies
Awards And Honors
2021 Winner. Scientific Breakthroughs of the Year Award in Social Sciences and Humanities. The Falling Walls Foundation
2021 Social and Economic Research Council Grant, UK. (720.000 USD with two team members).
2018 Heilbroner Center for Capitalism Studies Fellowship, NSSR.
2018 Short listed for the Georg-Forster Award, Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung
2018 Chancellor's Fellowship. University of Edinburgh, (Declined)
2017 The Entrepreneurship of the Year Award, for Microsoft Corp, Kagider, Turkey.
2015 Academic Achievement Award, Bogazici University, Rector’s Office
2006 Outstanding Teaching Award, Bogazici University, Rector’s Office
2005 Malcolm H. Kerr Dissertation Award in Social Sciences, Middle East Studies Association of North America
2005 New York University, Graduation with Distinction Certificate.
Esma, Short Film, 18:00, Director, Writer
In Flames, Feature Film, 100:00, Producer, Co-Writer
Last Villagers of Avshar, 45:00, Documentary, Director
Pipelines Made up of Donkeys, 45:00 Documentary, Producer, Al Jazeera
Republic of Wonderland: Turkish TV Series in the World, Documentary, 240:00 (4 Parts), Producer