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  • Catherine Teale

    Part-time Assistant Professor


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    Catherine Teale


    Kate Teale, artist, was born in Hampshire, England.
    Kate’s recent solo survey show at Richmond Center for the Arts, Western Michigan University, and Opalka Gallery, Sage University, Albany, came with a catalog -  with essays by Lucy R. Lippard, Don Desmett and Sarah Schmerler.
    Other solo shows include Studio10, Bushwick, in 2013 & 2016, and group shows at Gallery Ho; Monya Rowe Gallery and Jim Kempner Gallery, all in Chelsea NYC. Group shows at Brooklyn galleries include The Boiler; Bushwick Basel with Valentine Gallery; Storefront; Sideshow and Schema Projects. Her work can be seen at Pierogi Gallery flat files, Brooklyn and at Studio10, Bushwick.
    In 1992, Kate received a prestigious Winston Churchill Fellowship to travel to the US and study the teaching of drawing in the US, from which she developed a lecture series in the UK. She has also taught at Yale (Graduate drawing, School of Architecture), Pratt Institute, Hunter College, and elsewhere in the US and UK.
    Kate received a Joan Mitchell Foundation artist development grant in 2013 and a New York Foundation of the Arts Fellowship in Painting 2008. She has written feature articles for the UK art magazine Contemporary Art. She is also a curator, most recently at the Kerr Gallery, Western Michigan University, but mainly as founder/director of Big&Small/Casual Gallery where she has put on 14 shows.

    Degrees Held

    1998      MFA, Painting. Hunter College, New York, NY
    1988      Diploma, Art. City and Guilds of London Art School, England.
    1984      MA (Oxon), English Literature. Oxford University, England.

    Professional Affiliation

    Gallery: Studio 10, Bushwick

    Performances and Appearances

    Solo shows
    2016      THE HOUSED Opalka Gallery, Sage University, Albany NY
                  I AM NOT EMPTY, I AM OPEN  Studio 10, Bushwick NYC
    2014      THE HOUSED   Richmond Center for the Arts, Western Michigan University
    2013      THE SEA IS ALL AROUND US   Studio 10, Bushwick NYC
    2003      KATE TEALE   Kristen Frederickson Contemporary Art, New York, NY
    2001      PATTERNS OR PLEASURE & MODELS OF THE MIND Hampden Gallery, U.MASS, Amherst, MA
    1998      KATE TEALE First New York, New York, NY
    1997      NATURAL HISTORIES Yearsley Spring Gallery, Philadelphia, PA
    1996      NEW WORK Spring Gallery, New York, NY
    1994      THIS FLESH Square Tower, Portsmouth, UK
    1992      PORTRAIT OF A LADY Brooklyn, New York, NY                               
    Selected Group shows
    2018      ART PRIZE, Grand Rapids – commissioned installation with Western Michigan University
    2017      IN & OUT, Kate Teale and Marcy Rosewater, Studio10 Gallery, Bushwick, NY
                  TEXT/URE Shirley Fiterman Art Center at BMCC, NYC
                  DRAWING Wright Gallery, Northport, MI
    2015      DESTROY, SHE SAID, curated by Saul Anton and Ethan Spigland. Pierogi Boiler, Brooklyn
                  MAKING HISTORY, Storefront, Bushwick
    2014      VAPORS & SQUALLS, curated by Paul D’Agostino, Centotto, Bushwick NY
                  CIRCLE THE WAGONS, Sideshow Gallery, Brooklyn NY
    2013      CLOUDS  Lesley Heller Gallery, New York, NY   
                  CALM BEFORE THE STORM  3-person show, Gallery Ho, New York, NY   
                  DRAFTED  Schema Projects, Bushwick NY
                  SIDESHOW NATION Sideshow, Brooklyn NY
                  TRIPSWITCH  Nora York’s performance at Joe’s Pub
    2012      BUSHWICK BASEL  with Valentine Gallery, Brooklyn NY
                  BIG QUEENS DRAWING SHOW  Jamaica Center for the Arts, Queens, NY
                  TRIPSWITCH Nora York at Joe’s Pub (with Nancy Spero, Leon Golub, Jane Dickson, and Jerry Kearns)
    2011      DRAWN Storefront, Bushwick, NY
                  GROUP SHOW  Gallery Muam, New York, NY   
                  ITS ALL GOOD  Sideshow Gallery, Brooklyn NY
                  EXIT ART BENEFIT  Exit Art, NYC
    2010      IT’S A WONDERFUL 10th  Sideshow Gallery, Brooklyn, NY
                  BOTH SIDES OF THE PULASKI    curated by Andrea Salerno, LIC, NY
                  WORKS ON PAPER  Big&Small/Casual Gallery, LIC, NY
    2009      GROUP SHOW  Jim Kempner Gallery, New York, NY
    2008      SAME OLD/SAME NEW  Monya Rowe Gallery, New York, NY curated by Jane Harris
                  ON, OF, AND ABOUT PAPER  Orange County Center for Contemporary Art, CA
                  NYFA AWARD WINNERS EXHIBITION    Parsons School of Design, New York, NY
                  PAPERWORKS    The Marin Museum of Contemporary Art, CA (prizewinner)
    2007      KEEPING IT REAL  with Sean Mellyn, Jane Dickson and others, at Richmond Center for the Arts,                      Kalamazoo, MI. Curated by Jerry Kearns
    2006      ID CHECK    The Lab Gallery, New York, NY
    2004      FROM THE COLLECTION OF BROOKS JONES  Greer Art Museum, Rio Grande, OH
    2003      KATE TEALE & DAVID HENDERSON  Parker Gallery, Fort Lee, NJ
    2002      ABOUT PAPER Kristen Frederickson Contemporary Art, New York, NY
                      with Amanda Guest and Maureen McQuillan.                                                                                        
    1999     CHOICES ’99 Exit Art, New York, NY
                  CULTURAMA  Gen Art, New York, NY                                                                
                  LONDON ART FAIR with NYLON Gallery, Contemporary Art Center, London, UK
    1998      DRAWINGS  Yearsley Spring Gallery, PA
    1997      TEXT AND TOUCH Hunter Galleries, NYC with Kiki Smith, Roni Horn, Lesley Dill, Carolee Schneeman,                Kathleen Kucka, and others
    1996      C.A.A SHOW represented Hunter MFA, New York, NY
                  SPRING Spring Gallery, New York, NY Solo show                                              
    1995      THE HUMAN FORM Winchester Contemporary Art, Winchester, UK        
    1994      REXEL DERWENT NATIONAL DRAWING OPEN    Cheltenham, UK                           
    1993      777    Simultaneous exhibition in Amsterdam, Bratislava, Denmark, Dusseldorf, Moscow,                                Portsmouth and Reykjavik.   
    Reviews and Publications
    2016      Featured in MAKING HISTORY BUSHWICK book
    2016      THE BROOKLYN RAIL review by Taney Roniger of I AM NOT EMPTY I AM OPEN
    2014      WILLIAMSBURG/GREENPOINT NEWS feature article by Sarah Schmerler on YOUR PLACE OR MINE                    curatorial project
                  THE ART BLOG Elizabeth Johnson on THE SEA IS ALL AROUND US
    2012      ART NEWS and ART ON PAPER for ABOUT PAPER December issue
    2011      UP & COMING: AN INSIDER’S GUIDE TO THE ART WORLD by Michael Steinberg.
    1999      TIME OUT NEW YORK  CHOICES ’99 Exit Art, New York, NY
    1999      NEW YORK ARTS MAGAZINE CHOICES ’99 Exit Art, New York, NY
    1997      REVIEW MAGAZINE TEXT & TOUCH, Hunter Galleries, New York, NY 
    1997      ART PAPERS TEXT & TOUCH, Hunter Galleries, New York, NY 
    1997      PHILADELPHIA ENQUIRER NATURAL HISTORIES Yearsley Spring Gallery, Philadelphia, PA         
    Critical Writing
    2012      WHERE WE FELL TO EARTH  inclusion in collection of essays and stories
    1996      CONTEMPORARY ART MAGAZINE “Leon Golub” feature article
    1995      CONTEMPORARY ART MAGAZINE  “John Virtue” feature article                                                                       
    Curatorial/Gallery Director
    2009          Founder/Director of BIG & SMALL/CASUAL GALLERY, Long Island City
                      Matt Freedman’s TWIN TWIN III: ARTISTS’ EDITION
                      BIG, SMALL & CASUAL Sculpture by Mary Carlson, paintings by Laura Newman
    2010          FLOATING ROOM by Kristine Marx and FLOURESCANT PHASE by Nicedisc
                      HAPHAZARD COLOR MACHINE by Ken Devine and PLASMOIDAL VOIDS by Caroline Cox 
                      WORKS ON PAPER (70 artists)
                      INLAND with Christian Legendre, Alistair Teale, Sonita Singwi, Rachel Urkowitz
    2011          FROM OUR PERMANENT RECOLLECTION Barbara Friedman and Roger Sayre
                      ⌘C/⌘V (CUT/PASTE) with Jerry Kearns, Rene Smith, Tim Spelios and Seher Shah
    2012          PANORAMAS/FOLDS/LOSTHORIZONS with Linda Ganjian, Jesse Lambert, Jeremy Stenger
                       SMALL SCULPTURE (BY BIG PEOPLE) with Mike Ballou; Adam Brent; Mary Carlson;
                      James O Clark; Caroline Cox; Dido Crosby; Katharina Denzinger; Matt Freedman; Linda Ganjian;
                      David Henderson; Todd Lambrix; Bix Lye; Shari Mendelson; Christian Nguyen; Jim Osman;
                      Eung Ho Park; Jude Tallichet; Bill Thompson; Rachel Urkowitz, Scott Verhagen; David Weinrib; Natalia     Zubko
                      COLOR/CONSTRUCT with Gene Benson; Mary Judge and Lawrence Swan
    2014          YOUR PLACE OR MINE Kerr Gallery, Western Michigan University. Michael Ballou,
    Paul D’Agostino and Janice Bridgers show their work alongside a slice of their homes. Paul, in re-creating his salon gallery, Centotto, shows work by Fred Valentine, Patricia Satterlee and Paul Gagner

    Research Interests

    architecture, drawing, illustration, exploration of materials, painting, site-specific installation, murals, writing, curating,

    Awards And Honors

    2013        Joan Mitchell Foundation artist grant
    2008        New York Foundation for the Arts Fellow in Painting
    1994        Major project grants from Southern Arts, Hampshire County & Portsmouth City Councils, UK


    Kate Teale, artist

    Future Courses

    Drawing The Figure
    PUFY 1201, Spring 2025

    Integrative Studio 2
    PUFY 1001, Spring 2025

    Past Courses

    Drawing The Figure
    PUFY 1201, Spring 2024

    Integrative Studio 2
    PUFY 1001, Spring 2024

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