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  • Chris Otto


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    Chris Otto


    Christopher Otto performs with ensembles including Ensemble Signal, The Cellar and Point, Alarm Will Sound, Talea Ensemble, International Contemporary Ensemble, The Theatre of Eternal Music String Ensemble, Ne(x)tworks, and The Knights. He has premiered and recorded several chamber works by John Zorn and has performed and recorded as soloist in Zorn's violin concerto Contes de Fées. Christopher has also performed as soloist in Brian Ferneyhough's Terrain with Ensemble Signal. His violin teachers include Cyrus Forough and Timothy Ying. He is a founder, along with his wife Emily DuFour, of Hutchins East, an ensemble performing on a set of eight proportionally-sized string instruments made by Carleen Hutchins, and has written and arranged several works for the ensemble. He studied composition at the Eastman School of Music with Robert Morris, David Liptak, Martin Bresnick, and James Willey as well as mathematics at the University of Rochester. Christopher has written works in just intonation for string quartet, violin duo, violin octet, violin with electronics, and ensembles of Hutchins instruments. His violin duo was recorded by Erik Carlson and is available on SoundCloud along with his violin octet. An article on his violin octet appears in Arcana VII, an anthology edited by John Zorn. Christopher serves on the faculty of the Mannes School of Music, where JACK is Quartet in Residence.

    Current Courses

    Graduate String Quartet
    CAPR 6007, Fall 2024

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