• Faculty

  • Josh Scannell

    Assistant Professor of Media Studies


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    Josh Scannell


    (Raymond) Josh Scannell is an Assistant Professor of Digital Media Theory at The New School’s School of Media Studies. Prior to joining The New School, he taught sociology and women, gender, and sexuality studies at Hunter College, and Queens College, CUNY, and in the Media Culture and Communication department at NYU Steinhardt. He is interested in understanding how changing digital technologies transform the relationship between the body and its environment, and how these transformations are harnessed to racial and sexual techniques of organizing populations for political and economic exploitation. His recent work triangulates media theory – particularly concerning “new” media and digital technologies, scholarship in the Black Radical Tradition, and contemporary philosophical movements like New Materialist Feminism and Speculative Realism – to make sense of how the ubiquity of digitally-driven surveillance and prediction technologies transform the carceral state’s racial-sexual-labor structures of expropriation and management into technocratic "best practice" for governance of self and others.

    Recent Publications

    Recent Publications

    Peer Reviewed Publications 

    - R. Joshua Scannell, “Policing the Future” in Infrastructures of Citizenship: Digital Life in the Global City, Deb Cowen, Brett Story, Alexis Mitchell, Emily Paradis eds., University of British Columbia Press, Forthcoming 

    - R. Joshua Scannell. “This is Not Minority Report.” in Captivating Technology: Race, Carceral Technoscience, and Liberatory Imagination in Everyday Life, Ruha Benjamin ed., Duke, 2019 

    - R. Joshua Scannell, “Both a Cyborg and a Goddess: Deep Managerial Time and Informatic Governance” in Object Oriented Feminism. Katherine Behar, ed. University of Minnesota Press, 2016

    - Patricia Clough with Karen Gregory, Benjamin Haber, R. Joshua Scannell, “The Datalogical Turn” in Non-Representational Methodologies: Re-envisioning Research. Philip Vannini, ed. Routledge, 2015

    Book Reviews

    - R. Joshua Scannell, “Architectures of Managerial Triumphalism (Review of Benjamin Bratton, The Stack: On Software and Sovereignty” in Boundary 2, Nov. 7, 2018

    - R. Joshua Scannell, “How We Think About Technology (Without Thinking About Politics): N. Katherine Hayles’ How We Think” in Boundary 2, Nov. 4, 2015

    Non-Peer Reviewed Publications

    - R. Joshua Scannell, “Controlled Measures,” Real Life Magazine, September 17, 2018

    - R. Joshua Scannell, “Broken Windows, Broken Code,” Real Life Magazine, August 29, 2016

    - Josh Scannell, “What Can an Algorithm Do?,” DIS Magazine, February 2015

    Research Interests

    Media Theory, Science and Technology Studies, Critical Digital and Algorithm Studies, Carceral Studies, Critical Race and Ethnic Studies, Cultural Studies and Critical Theory, Feminist and Queer Theory, Body and Embodiment Studies, Film Studies

    Future Courses

    Carceral Media
    NMDS 5439, Spring 2025

    Carceral Media
    LCST 4580, Spring 2025

    Past Courses

    Carceral Media
    NMDS 5439, Spring 2024

    Carceral Media
    LCST 4580, Spring 2024

    Media Senior Project Lab
    NCOM 4000, Spring 2024

    Technology & Power
    NMDS 5333, Spring 2024

    Thesis Supervision
    NMDS 5960, Spring 2024

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