(New York, NY – September 6, 2002) Edward J. Blakely, Dean of the Milano Graduate School at New School University, has released the 3rd edition of his book, Planning Local Economic Development (Sage Publications).

Since the appearance of the 1st edition in 1990, the book (co-authored with Ted K. Bradshaw) has become the foundation of an entire generation of planners and academics teaching planning. Building on the success of its predecessors, the 3rd edition, continues to explore the theories of local economic development and address the dilemmas communities face.

Blakely and Bradshaw investigate planning processes, analytical techniques, business and human resource development, as well as high-technology economic development strategies.

New to this edition:

Edward J. Blakely, Dean of the Milano Graduate School, New School University, New York
Ted. K. Bradshaw, University of California at Davis
Published by:
Sage Publications, Inc., 2455 Teller Road, Thousand Oaks, CA 91320
Phone: 1-805-499-0721 or e-mail: [email protected]
Pages: 416

Edward J. Blakely is Dean of the Milano Graduate School and Professor of Urban Policy. Prior to becoming Dean at the Milano Graduate School, Dr. Blakely was Dean and Lusk Professor of Planning and Development at the School of Urban Planning and Development of the University of Southern California. His Ph.D. is from the University of California at Los Angeles.

Dr. Blakely is an internationally recognized scholar in urban community development and has also been a successful practitioner in strategic planning, financing, real estate development and project management. He serves on the National Academy of Sciences Panel on Urban Development and Transportation. He also serves as an advisor to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development and to state governments in the United States, Australia, Sweden, and Japan. Dr. Blakely has been elected to the American Society of Public Administration.

Curently, Dr. Blakely is serving on the Lower Manhattan Redevelopment Roundtable Advisory Board and the Steering Committee for the Recovery of Lower Manhattan Civic Alliance.

His books include Economic Development Finance (with Susan Giles, 2001), Fortress America: Gated Communities in the United States (1997), Separate Societies: Poverty and inequality in U.S. Cities (1992, co-authored with William Goldsmith), Planning Local Economic Development (1989), Taking Development Initiatives: Local Government's Role in Economic Development (1986), and Rural Communities in Advanced industrial Society (1980).

At the Milano Graduate School, Dr. Blakely teaches Public Policy and the City (Ph.D.), Managerial Economics, and Management and Organizational Behavior.


The Robert J. Milano Graduate School of Management and Urban Policy, a division of New School University, offers Master's degree programs in Human Resources Management, Organizational Change Management, Nonprofit Management, Health Services Management and Policy, Urban Policy Analysis, as well as professional development programs in professions that shape the way organizations work, communities function and people live. The School also offers a Ph.D. program in Public and Urban Policy. For further information on the Milano Graduate School, call 212/229-5400 or visit the Web site at www.newschool.edu

New School University, with 7,000 matriculated students and 25,000 continuing education students, is a New York City university committed to critical scholarship, artistic integrity, and ethical responsibility in the social sciences, humanities, the arts and design. It is comprised of a liberal arts foundation of three schools: The New School, Eugene Lang College and the Graduate Faculty of Political and Social Science, and five professional schools: Parsons School of Design, Mannes College of Music, Actors Studio Drama School, Milano Graduate School of Management and Urban Policy, and the Jazz & Contemporary Music Program. New School Online University offers one of the largest selections of online courses in the nation. For further information about admission to New School University, call (877) 5Ave-321 or go to the Web site at www.newschool.edu.