(New York, NY - February 22, 2002) The Mannes College of Music ensemble-in-residence, The Mannes Trio, will perform at the Mannes Concert Hall on Thursday, March 21, 2002 at 8pm. The Trio will present new music from "Music Under Construction" (a composers’ collective). The Trio members include Hiroko Yajima, violin; Wilhelmina Smith, violoncello; and Thomas Sauer, piano. For further information on this free event, call the Mannes Concert Information line at 212/496-8524. Mannes College of Music, a division of New School University, is located at 150 West 85th Street (between Amsterdam and Columbus Avenues) in NYC. (Take the #1 subway to 86th Street.)

The program for the March 21 performance will include: Wendy Griffiths’ "Minima, Memory and Mirage" (2001); Faye-Ellen Silverman’s "Reconstructed Music" (2002); David Tcimpidis’ "Drift" (2001); and Beethoven’s Trio in B-flat major, Op. 97 ("Archduke").

"Music Under Construction" is an organization dedicated to fostering the support and development of new and experimental music and dance. For more information on "Music Under Construction," go to


Mannes College of Music, a division of New School University, was founded in 1916. It is one of the world’s major conservatories of music. Mannes offers undergraduate and graduate degree programs, as well as a Professional Studies Diploma program. Joel Lester is Dean of the College. For further information on Mannes College of Music, call 212/ 580-0210 or go to the Web site at

New School University, with 7,000 matriculated students and 25,000 continuing education students, is comprised of seven academic divisions: The New School, the Graduate Faculty of Political and Social Science, Parsons School of Design, Eugene Lang College, Mannes College of Music, the Robert J. Milano Graduate School of Management and Urban Policy, and the Actors Studio Drama School, as well as the University's B.F.A. in Jazz and Contemporary Music. New School Online University offers one of the largest selections of online courses in the nation. For further information about admission to New School University, call 877-528-3321 or go to the Web site at